Situated on a picturesque mountain ridge in Bluemont, VA, our over 30-acre farm is truly a sight to behold. Between the beautiful view of Loudoun in the valley below, our massive outdoor lawn space, and our large tasting room able to accommodate all of your needs, we have designed an approachable destination brewery in Northern Virginia. Our team is always working on something new. At Bear Chase, we offer Beer, Wine, Hard Seltzer, and Cider for our guests' beverage needs, including wines and beer slushies. Come on up to the mountain and have a drink with us and enjoy the mountain air!
Bear Chase Brewing Company
Situated on a picturesque mountain ridge in Bluemont, VA, our over 30-acre farm is truly a sight to behold. Between the beautiful view of Loudoun in the valley below, our massive outdoor lawn space, and our large tasting room able to accommodate all of your needs, we have designed an approachable destination brewery in Northern Virginia. Our team is always working on something new. At Bear Chase, we offer Beer, Wine, Hard Seltzer, and Cider for our guests' beverage needs, including wines and beer slushies. Come on up to the mountain and have a drink with us and enjoy the mountain air!
Bear Chase Brewing Company
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33665 Bear Chase Ln