At Christ Community Church & School, our goal is to equip and uplift everyone - academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically. We offer childcare for ages 6 weeks - Pre-K, plus After Care for elementary children. Church services are every Sunday, along with numerous other faith studies and worship opportunities. We also hold regular family-friendly events, open to everyone. We are on a mission to teach, grow, and share the love and grace of God in an encouraging and welcoming community - TOGETHER. Because together is what we do best!
At Christ Community Church & School, our goal is to equip and uplift everyone - academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically. We offer childcare for ages 6 weeks - Pre-K, plus After Care for elementary children. Church services are every Sunday, along with numerous other faith studies and worship opportunities. We also hold regular family-friendly events, open to everyone. We are on a mission to teach, grow, and share the love and grace of God in an encouraging and welcoming community - TOGETHER. Because together is what we do best!
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818 S King St