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Lansdowne Animal Hospital

About Lansdowne Animal Hospital

Since July 2007, Lansdowne Animal Hospital has been delivering personalized, comprehensive animal health care to serve the dogs, cats, and small mammals of the Leesburg and Ashburn VA areas. We’ve worked hard to assemble a team of veterinary professionals who not only possess exceptional skills and extensive experience but also embody the reputation we’ve built as a place where people and pets are treated with the utmost respect and compassion. We believe that when we focus on what’s most important – you and your pet – everything else will fall into place.


19393 Promenade Dr
Leesburg, VA 20176
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About Lansdowne Animal Hospital

Since July 2007, Lansdowne Animal Hospital has been delivering personalized, comprehensive animal health care to serve the dogs, cats, and small mammals of the Leesburg and Ashburn VA areas. We’ve worked hard to assemble a team of veterinary professionals who not only possess exceptional skills and extensive experience but also embody the reputation we’ve built as a place where people and pets are treated with the utmost respect and compassion. We believe that when we focus on what’s most important – you and your pet – everything else will fall into place.

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Lansdowne Animal Hospital



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  • {{ day | titlecase }} Open 24 Hours {{ formatTime24to12(times[0]) }} - {{ formatTime24to12(times[1]) }}, {{ day | titlecase }} Closed

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Lansdowne Animal Hospital

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